The world is a scary place!

I am a tad hesitant to blog about this… but it’s all caught up in my head, so I need to get it down.

I never usually keep up with world news, because I don’t watch TV, but lately I have come to hear about all this business with ISIS… With the recent scare here in Australia, where they found plans to capture random members of the public and behead them on camera in Sydney and Brisbane. Luckily, I’m in Melbourne, but still! Its scary what the world is coming to!

Are governments going to turn on all religion soon? We really need a better, world government. But humans can’t provide that in reality. This world is turning to shambles.

Last night I was having nightmares about this, and dreamt that a family I knew who had relocated to the middle east, were victims in this ethnic cleansing regime.

Anyway, I need to distract myself from this now, so I will tell you about my success yesterday! I managed to leave the house, by myself without self harming! Whoop whoop! I took the dog for a walk, up around the bush areas near my house. I discovered how unfit I am! But I am very proud of myself for managing it 🙂

5 thoughts on “The world is a scary place!”

  1. Congrats on leaving the house! I know how hard that can be.

    The other thing….uh…that’s why I do not watch news. I don’t want to know what they are doing out there.

  2. I feel the same whenever I watch the news, there’s so much tragedy going on in the world constantly and it makes you feel helpless and anxious – especially when you relate it back to, ‘what if it were my family, what if?’ It’s scary because you can’t control it & you care. I think having that world perspective is good, being informed, but sometimes it’s good to retreat from it, so I totally get you with ‘the world is a scary place’, it’s horrible to see the devastation persisting.

    Also, on a side note, I’m really liking your posts, let me know there’s other people out there who struggle with similar things & great news about leaving the house 🙂

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